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David Restrepo Amariles Chair of the AI Group of the ALSB

David Restrepo Amariles, Associate Professor at HEC Paris’ Department of Law and Tax, has been asked to serve as the Chair of the Artificial Intelligence Special Interest Group (SIG) of the American Academy of Legal Studies in Business (ALSB). The Academy brings together legal scholars from US Business Schools.


Founded in 1924, the Academy of Legal Studies in Business is an association of teachers and scholars in the fields of business law, legal environment, and law-related courses outside of professional law schools. The Academy provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and encourages support and cooperation among those who teach and conduct research in the field of legal studies, primarily in business schools. While the ALSB is originally an American institution, it is increasingly hosting scholars from European business schools.  

The Academy publishes two top-tier journals: the American Business Law Journal (ABLJ) and the Journal of Legal Studies Education (JLSE) (learn more about both reviews here). 

David Restrepo Amariles teaches TechLaw, Current Issues in Digital Transformation, Data Governance and Compliance, Fintech Regulation and Cryptos, as well as Artificial Intelligence and legal analytics. His research analyses the transformations of law and regulation in the global and digital society with a special focus on financial law, privacy and data protection, dispute resolution, international business transactions and corporate social responsibility. 

Professor Restrepo received the invitation to serve as Chair for their Artificial Intelligence SIG for the academic year 2021-2022. Accordingly, he will also serve as one of several Vice Chairs of the Technology Section. These positions allow ALSB’s teachers and scholars to organize their individual interests and foster community. Some of the topics in the agenda of the Technology section of the ALSB include algorithmic bias, artificial intelligence methods and applications, entrepreneurship, FinTech, IP, and privacy regulation. 

Find summaries of Professor Restrepo’s research on Knowledge@HEC